Friday 25 October 2019

postheadericon True Barn

BRAZY (True Barn)

Species : Agaricoid
Latin name : Boletus edulis
Location : Forests: under pines, oaks, firs, birches, beeches
Growing in : Summer, Autumn
Gr. signs : Pores white, mature - greenish yellow

he most valuable edible mushroom, famous for its adverbs, tales, verses, songs. He is a king of mushrooms, who is fascinated by his beauty. And who doesn't want to find him after he goes mushrooming? It is always in the most visCharacteristics: Mycorrhiza consists of several tree species, the stem only has a mesh in the upper part.
Grows large (up to 3 kg in Lithuania). High demand in local and overseas marketible area of ​​the basket! A mushroom familiar to all mushrooms.
The Polish professor Karpinski managed to grow it in a test tube, the research is still ongoing, but it has not yet been cultivated artificially. It is not only the most nutritious but also healing mushrooms

